An appointment ended perfectly at 12pm in Fell’s Point; which just so happens to be the exact moment Greedy Reads turns their closed sign to ‘open’. This was a fully intended wander! It is rare for timing to work out so well for me.
Excited, I jog the cross walk, brush past the UPS man and enter a purposefully created space. Textures, colors and the authentic smell of books. My senses were snacking!
The shop is a collision the comfort of your best friend’s house and your quirky/lovable Aunt Mary’s trinket shop on quiet Main Street. That description makes sense to me at least. It is very much not a duplicated space; rather intentionally curated. It felt special to be there.
I squealed. I actually squealed and held up a book to the shop owner, Julia, as if she didn’t know that this book was here.
Quick backstory…
…my kiddos love a book called, Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima. It is a story about belonging and acceptance. The book encourages children to understand that they are exactly who they were meant to be; regardless of how they identify. Yes, it is a kids book. It strikes amazing conversations with my 5 and 7 year old about kindness and loving everyone. I’ll save the ending as a surprise. That same author has a new book out Hardly Haunted with similar themes and with October coming up on the calendar…I squealed. Whatever.
Did he want to be a land narwhal with the unicorns or a sea unicorn with the narwhals? Kelp couldn’t decide. But then he realized that maybe….just maybe…he didn’t have to choose
-Not Quite Narwhal, Jessie Sima
I grabbed a graphic novel for the ‘Magic Reader Book Club’ aka my daughter and I snuggled up in bed from 8pm-9pm week nights.
More About Book Clubs
Greedy Reads has both virtual and in-person book clubs! Translated into fiction, science fiction, queer and general book club are all available.
I was ushered to the book, The Force of Such Beauty. It is the final book selection for one of the clubs this season. Written by a female author, right here in Maryland. I’m on page 100/400 and cannot put it down (hence why this post has taken me a week to draft).
In our small-talk, I mentioned to Julia that I live in Anne Arundel and without missing a beat; ‘have you been to Old Fox?’ She told me that’s where she likes to visit when in Annapolis. Of course I’ve been to Old Fox Books (slightly cringe-worthy blog here)! Thrilled at the connection, but wildly impressed by the shout out to another local book store. I love when people high-five each other.
Leaving the shop with a grin, I got one more recommendation. Julia told me to take some time and walk down to Ekiben for a delicious lunch. I mean…yes, please give me all of the recommendations! It was the perfect goodbye.
Here’s My Idea
I’d like to share my plan with you because it is a worthwhile endeavor. I am making a conscious effort to gift books this year. Furthermore, I am trying to be an adult and get my shit together ahead of schedule. Ultimately, I will batch order gifts for people I know I’m going to give to (ie school teachers, coaches and neighbors). Support your local bookstores with me. Stop buying books on Amazon. Support the spaces created in your community.
So…you scrolled to the bottom for a synopsis.
- Greedy Reads has TWO Baltimore Locations: Fell’s Point and Hampden
- You can purchase books online HERE instead of Amazon
- This shop is opened weekly 12pm-6pm and 11am-6pm weekends
- Walkable to delicious restaurants at Broadway market
- Need a recommendation for a book store near you? Send me an email and I’ll give you a rockstar to connect with!